I close my eyes, and the flash back starts.
I'm standing there. On a balcony of summer air.
I see the lights,
See the party the ball gowns.
I see you make your way through the crowd,
You say hello
Little did I know...
That you were Romeo, you were throwing pebbles
And my daddy said stay away from Juliet
And I was crying on the staircase
Begging you please don't go, and I said
Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone,
I'll be waiting all theres left to do is run
You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess
Tts a love story baby, just say yes
So I sneak out to the garden to see you
We keep quite because we're dead if they know
So close your eyes, Escape this town for a little while
Cause you were Romeo, I was a scarlet letter
And my daddy said stay away from Juliet
But you were everything to me
I was begging you please don't go, and I said
Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone
I'll be waiting all theres left to do is run
You'll be the prince, I'll be the princess
Tts a love story baby, just say yes
Romeo save me, try to tell me how it is
This love is difficult, but its real,
Don't be afraid we'll make it out of this mess
Its a love story baby, just say yes, oh,
I was tired of waiting,
Wondering if you were ever coming around
My faith in you is fading
When I met you on the outskirts of town, and I said
Romeo save me I've been feeling so alone
I keep waiting for you but you never come
Is this in my head, I don't know what to think.
He fell to the ground, and pulled out a ring
Marry me Juliet you'll never have to be alone
I love you and thats all you know
I talked to your dad, you'll pick out a white dress
Its a love story baby, just say yes
Oh, Oh, Oh
We were both young when I first saw you
no son buenos tiempos para los soñadores. #
bueno y malos recuerdos pero todos entorno a ti .. creo que no podría vivir sin verte, sin oírte decir tonterías para que me ría y sacarme esa sonrisa que tan poco me gusta.. es más que un -tequiero- .. es ... es.. que no me puedo separar de ti.. te amo .. y a veces pienso que demasiado, aunque mucho no tiene porque ser bastante.
luego reflexionando sobre todo lo que ha pasado, enfin me parece penoso que el amor se acabe tan rápido con lo bonito que era, con lo bueno que parecías, a veces la gente parece no sentir nada por el otro, un simple respeto porque si no le quieres .. le has qerido joder y no me parece justo que se regalen los besos, no lo veo interesante si se va con la primera que pilla.. enfin hasta que punto una persona puede hacer tanto daño? y hasta que punto puede sufir la otra?
en estos casos no se suelen ver las magníficas puertas que se abren.. pero la esperanza nunca se pierde.
enfin rayadas que no tienen que ver conmigo..

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